A rich person's argument against global warming...
Please watch the video first and then read my opinion.
Thank you.
First of all his rudeness shows a person eager to persuade without having solid arguments.
In any case his arguments are idiotic. Capitalism doesn't work like the way he describes and he knows it better than anyone.
Which investment company would advice their potential investors not to give their money because in 50 years their investment will not exist? Which bank would ask from people to stop taking loans (their main way of making more money) because in 50 years will have a huge financial crisis? Capitalism is self destructive and that is also why we are going to see global catastrophe in the years to come: because capitalism doesn't think of the future; its only care is the "right here and now", the most immediate way to make money no matter what.
Capitalism conquers markets. When that market is depleted it looks for new markets. It doesn't look back, it just moves forward like a bulldozer leaving only rubble on its wake. In the last few centuries, that meant the destroyed markets had a brake to recuperate before Capitalism was back at them again. The problem now is that with globalisation Capitalism conquered the whole planet. There is not a market left to conquer not a market to take a break from it, which means that when this final, global market is depleted there will be nothing left standing. There will be nowhere else for Capitalism to go which means it will keep strangling everything around it in its relentless effort to make more profit. Because that is the only function Capitalism is programmed to follow: "make more profit no matter what".
Capitalism is not a caring and sympathizing system. It is the opposite of all that. Its only care is profit at all cost as fast as possible. We have a word for that: "greed"; but for some reason we avoid using it to characterise the dominant (the only) financial system we have on this planet.
Dan Pena is wrong and he either knows it but prefers to lie or he doesn't have a clue and thus he is an idiot.
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